Ace the Indiana Drivers Test 2024 – Hit the Road with Confidence!

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Question: 1 / 50

When sharing the road with motorcycles and bicycles, what rights do they have compared to cars?

They should always yield

They have no specific rights

They are not entitled to use signals

They are entitled to the same right-of-way and traffic laws

When sharing the road with motorcycles and bicycles, it is important to understand that they are entitled to the same right-of-way and traffic laws as cars. This means that they have the right to occupy a lane, make turns, and have the same responsibilities as other vehicles on the road. Respecting the rights of motorcyclists and bicyclists contributes to a safer road environment for everyone. Options A and C are incorrect because they do not accurately reflect the rights of motorcycles and bicycles on the road. Option B is also incorrect as motorcycles and bicycles do have specific rights when sharing the road.


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